Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Custom Wedding Present

I just finished working on a beautiful banner that's being given as a wedding present. What a fun and unique idea for a gift!

The fabric chosen by the buyer is gorgeous! I can see the banner being hung over the couple's bed or above photographs in their living room.

Congrats, Amber & Alex!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Opening Day

Hello, underduck.etsy.com!

It's taken me awhile to get up and running, but underduck is now open for business!

I just listed my first batch of items. So exciting!

Thanks to my friends and family for their encouragement and support!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Happy Birthday, Milena!

My beautiful baby girl turned 1 year old today! How did that year go by so quickly?

For her birthday I wanted to give her something she wouldn't grow out of in a few months; something she'd use for years to come. I'm so glad I thought to make her these banners! I love seeing pictures of her on her first birthday with the banners behind her and knowing we'll take similar pictures every year.

Happy birthday, little girl!

I love you!